Travel Report Bolivia 2016

Jun 11, 2016

Bolivia – 3 days desert, 7 punctures

If you travel to Bolivia, then one of the main attractions is a trip to the salt desert. When we arrived in the city of Uyuni, we booked such a 3-day guided excursion through the Salt Desert. Our tour guide, a local Bolivian, estimated to be in his mid-twenties, spoke only Spanish, but barely any English, making communication virtually impossible. The only thing the man could say in English was “no good!”.

We`ve heard these words 7 times in total during the 3 days. Exactly when he stopped the car for no apparent reason, got out, walked around the car and got in again. He then looked at us and said the words we feared: “no good!”. After hearing these words twice, everyone in the car knew we had a flat tire again and it would take at least 2 hours for the tire to change. The first puncture we had 2 hours after the start of the tour (on the first day), the last flat tire on the 3rd day, just before the end of the tour and our arrival in Uyuni.

Since we had only one spare tire, we always had to hope for the help of passing colleagues of our guide, who then gave us their spare tires. The problem here was clearly the completely run down tires, which barely had any profile and were not suitable for a tour through such stony terrain.

Bolivia – salt desert

In the pictures 1 – 4 we were in the famous “salt desert”, which is so well known and popular because you can shoot wonderful photos when the conditions are ideal. Ideal conditions means (1) that it must have rained first so that on the flat surface consists of thick, dried salt, a water filter is lying and (2) the sun is shining. As you can see in the pictures, we were very lucky since all the conditions were fulfilled. So we were able to shoot a lot of nice photos that look like they were edited with Photoshop.